
Maudie's Tex-Mex

We take pride in our support of nonprofit organizations and schools both locally and across the country.

All sponsorship requests will be reviewed within two weeks. The organization requesting the sponsorship will be contacted by email, regardless of whether or not the request is approved.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Tell Us About Your Organization

Only enter if your organization has a 501(c)(3) status.
Check EIN
Attach your organization's letterhead or proof of 501(c)(3) status as a single PDF or Word document.

Organization Address

Tell Us About Your Event

Sponsorship Request

Upload a Word, PDF, JPG, GIF, or PNG that describes the sponsorship tiers and pricing.
Upload a Word, PDF, JPG, GIF, or PNG that shows how our brand will be displayed as part of your event.

How Do We Contact You?

Shipping Address